Browsing all Gorillas

Windows 2 the Soul

A young gorilla


A young gorilla wakes up from a short nap 

Penny for your thoughts

A young gorilla deep in thought

Amber Eyes

A baby gorilla looks at you face to face..

Brief Encounter

A brief encounter with a baby gorilla as it takes a quick glance at you.

Tree tots

A Gorilla youngster..


Guhonda is the leading Silverback of the Sabyinyo group in Rwanda.


A female mountain gorilla and youngster - this picture was entered into a Worldwide competition to give the image a name. Ndagukunda (meaning "I love you" in Kinyarwanda) was the name chosen as the winning title. 

Whoops a Daisy

A young gorilla inspects it's first daisy

Sweet Chariot

A young gorilla swings through the canopy.

Pause for thought

A gorilla in deap thought

Fly by

A gorilla watches a honey bee fly past

Where Has It Gone
FROM £95.00

A baby gorilla looks for an ant it has just caught

The Elusive Feather

A young gorilla tries to catch a falling feather

Windows to the Soul

A gorilla youngster.

Beauty and the Beast

A baby gorilla watches a Papilio Simonii whilst clinging to its mother's back